Beating Achilles Tendinopathy: The Power of Eccentric Exercise

Achilles Tendinopathy is a common and painful condition affecting our Achilles tendon, the tough band connecting the calf muscles to the heel. It can strike anyone, especially those active in sports. The pain and stiffness in the heel can really put a damper on your day–to–day activities.

The Research: Eccentric Exercise to the Rescue

Recent research has brought good news! A systematic review and meta–analysis, a kind of super–study that looks at a bunch of studies together, has found that a special kind of exercise called “eccentric exercise” is super effective in managing this condition.

What’s Eccentric Exercise?

Eccentric exercise involves lengthening your muscles under tension. Imagine lowering your heel slowly off a step – that’s eccentric exercise for your Achilles tendon. It’s different from regular exercises because it focuses on controlling the movement while your muscle is stretching.

Why Eccentric Exercise?

This research showed that people who do eccentric exercises feel less pain and get back to their normal activities faster than those who don’t. It’s like giving your Achilles tendon a super boost in healing itself!

Your Action Plan

If you’re struggling with heel pain, don’t wait! Here are simple steps to get you started on the road to recovery:

  • Consult Your Physical Therapist: Always talk to your physical therapist or doctor first. They can guide you on how to do these exercises correctly.
  • Start Slowly: Eccentric exercises can be tough at first, so start slow and increase gradually.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Make these exercises a regular part of your routine.

You Have the Power to Heal – And This Current Best Evidence Can Help Guide You

Remember, Achilles tendinopathy isn’t a problem that means an end to training or sports.. With the right approach, like eccentric exercises, you can bounce back stronger. And, always reach out to your physical therapist for the best advice tailored to your needs.

Feel free to reach out to our clinic for more information or to set up an appointment. We’re here to help you on your journey to pain–free living!

For more detailed information, you can read the full research study here.

How Exercise Can Help Prevent Neck Pain

Did you know a lot of adults, especially those who work in offices, often get neck pain? In fact, up to 80% of people might feel neck pain in a year. It's not just a small problem; it can really affect someone’s life and work. It also can seriously impact businesses when their staff members have to take time off due to neck pain.

Understanding How Scientists Performed This Study

  • Goal: The study looked at how exercise can stop neck pain before it starts.
  • How They Did It: They carefully reviewed many studies and put their findings together. They focused on studies where adults did exercises to see if it stopped neck pain.
  • Who Was in the Study: They looked at over 4,700 studies and ended up focusing on 5 of them. These studies had 1,722 people in total, and most of them worked in offices.

What They Found

The study results were encouraging. If people do specific types of exercises, they might cut their chance of getting neck pain in half for up to a year. This means that doing regular exercises could really help, especially for those who sit a lot at work.

Why It's Important

Neck pain can be a big problem. It can come back again and again. This study shows that doing exercises can be a simple but powerful way to keep neck pain away. For people who sit a lot at their jobs, this can be really helpful.

Physical therapists specialize in the evaluation and treatment of patients with neck pain. Movever, they can help members of the community craft an exercise program that is specifically tailored to their needs. Performing specific exercises that are designed for your specific goals is often better than a one–size–fits–all approach.

Final Thoughts

Exercise seems to be a great way to fight against neck pain. While the study shows promising results, more research is needed. Still, adding exercise to your daily routine might be a key step in avoiding neck pain.


To learn more, check out the original study in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (2023; 53(10): 594–609). Visit Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. DOI: 10.

Sleep Regularity: The Unsung Hero of Health and Longevity

We often hear about the importance of getting enough sleep, but there's another aspect of our sleep that deserves equal attention – its regularity. A groundbreaking study published in “Sleep” journal (2023) has shed light on how the consistency of our sleep patterns can be a more critical predictor of our overall health and lifespan than merely the duration of sleep.

The Eye–Opening Findings

The study analyzed over 10 million hours of accelerometer data from 60,977 participants in the UK Biobank, focusing on the Sleep Regularity Index (SRI). This index measures the day–to–day consistency of sleep–wake timings. Remarkably, it was found that higher sleep regularity was linked to a significantly lower risk of all–cause mortality, including reduced risks of cancer and cardiometabolic mortality.

Participants with more regular sleep patterns (top four quintiles of SRI) exhibited a 20% to 48% lower risk of all–cause mortality compared to those with the least regular sleep (lowest quintile of SRI). These findings were adjusted for various factors like age, sex, ethnicity, lifestyle, and health parameters, making the results even more compelling.

Why Does Sleep Regularity Matter?

Consistent sleep patterns align better with our body's natural circadian rhythms, the internal clock regulating essential functions like metabolism, immune response, and mental well–being. Disruption in these rhythms, often caused by irregular sleep, can lead to adverse health effects, including increased risks of chronic diseases and shortened lifespan.

Limitations of the Study

While this study is pioneering in its approach, it's important to recognize its limitations. The data comes from a specific demographic (UK Biobank participants), which might not represent the global population's diversity. Also, the study relies on accelerometer data, which, though objective, might not capture the full complexity of sleep patterns and quality.

Key Takeaways for Your Sleep Health

  • Consistency is Key: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
  • Monitor Your Sleep: Pay attention to your sleep patterns. Apps and wearables can help you track your sleep regularity.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Align your daily routines with your sleep schedule. Regular exercise and avoiding caffeine late in the day can promote better sleep regularity.

In Conclusion

While ensuring adequate sleep duration is essential, maintaining regular sleep patterns is equally, if not more, vital for our health and longevity. By focusing on sleep regularity, we might be taking a significant step towards improving our overall well–being and extending our lifespan.


  • Windred, D. P., et al. (2023). Sleep regularity is a stronger predictor of mortality risk than sleep duration: A prospective cohort study. Sleep.
  • UK Biobank.

New Research – Navigating Through Chronic Neck Pain

Understanding Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain is more than just a nuisance; it’s a condition that affects daily activities and overall well–being. Chronic pain is defined as pain that’s persisted for more than 90 days. For many, the solution lies in physical therapy, a personalized approach that goes beyond standard treatments. This therapy focuses on exercises tailored to each person’s specific needs, making it a highly effective way to manage neck pain.

Identifying the Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can arise from various sources, such as muscle strain, prolonged poor posture, nerve compression, or even stress–related tension. Physical therapy is instrumental in pinpointing the exact cause of the pain. By understanding the root of the problem, physical therapists can develop a targeted plan that addresses the specific issues causing discomfort.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Pain Management

Physical therapy stands out for its ability to customize treatment plans. It’s not just about a set of exercises; it’s about understanding an individual’s pain, mobility level, lifestyle, and goals. Therapists consider these factors to create a program that’s not only effective but also sustainable and enjoyable for the patient.

Exercise Plans for Different Types of Neck Pain

The exercises recommended in physical therapy vary based on the pain type. For instance, if the pain is due to muscle strain, the focus might be on strengthening and stretching exercises. For nerve–related pain, the emphasis might be on gentle, range–of–motion exercises. Physical therapy takes a nuanced approach to ensure that exercises are beneficial and do not exacerbate the pain.

The Comprehensive Approach of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is more than just physical exercise. It’s a holistic approach that considers the patient’s mental and emotional health. Group exercises, mindfulness techniques, and education about pain management are often incorporated into the treatment plan. This comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive care that addresses all aspects of their well–being.

The Impact of Tailored Physical Therapy

In conclusion, physical therapy offers a unique and effective way to manage chronic neck pain. With its focus on individualized care, physical therapists can provide relief and improve quality of life for those suffering from neck pain. By engaging in a tailored physical therapy program, patients can experience significant improvements in their pain levels and overall well–being.


Exercise Therapy for Chronic Neck Pain: Tailoring Person–Centred Approaches within Contemporary Management.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023.

Top 10 Ways Athletes Can Prevent Sports Injuries in 2024

Principles of Injury Prevention

While most athletes understand the basic principles of injury prevention, the real challenge lies in consistently executing these strategies within their training and daily routines. Knowing is just half the battle; actively applying this knowledge is what truly minimizes injury risk. Here’s how you can integrate these practices into your life effectively:

1. Prioritize Proper Warm–Up Techniques:

Before engaging in your sport, perform dynamic stretches like leg swings and lunges, especially crucial before activities like running. These exercises mimic sport–specific movements, preparing muscles and joints for the activity ahead (Source: American Journal of Sports Medicine).

2. Embrace Cross–Training:

Add variety to your workout by incorporating different activities. For example, if you're primarily a runner, include low–impact exercises like swimming or cycling. This approach helps build strength and endurance while reducing repetitive strain on specific muscle groups (Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine).

3. Strength Training:

Integrate exercises like squats and deadlifts into your routine, ideally twice a week. This not only builds core and leg strength but also supports your joints, reducing the risk of injury (Source: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research).

4. Focus on Flexibility:

Dedicate about 10 minutes each day to stretching exercises, such as hamstring and calf stretches. Regular flexibility work improves your range of motion and helps prevent strains and sprains (Source: Journal of Athletic Training).

5. Hydration and Nutrition:

Maintain regular hydration throughout the day, not just during physical activities. Incorporate a balanced diet with sufficient protein to aid muscle repair and recovery (Source: International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism).

6. Rest, Recovery, and Sleep:

Ensure you have regular rest days in your training schedule. Sleep is equally important; aim for 7–9 hours each night and establish a consistent bedtime routine to enhance sleep quality. Adequate sleep improves muscle recovery and cognitive functions, reducing the risk of injury (Source: Sports Health Journal).

7. Use Proper Equipment:

Choose the right gear for your sport. For instance, cyclists should invest in a well–fitted helmet and proper shoes, while runners need to select shoes that match their gait and replace them at appropriate intervals (Source: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine).

8. Technique Training:

Working with a coach or trainer to refine your technique, whether it's a tennis serve or a basketball shot, is essential. Proper form significantly reduces the risk of strain injuries (Source: Sports Medicine Journal).

If you do experience an injury, it's important to consult with your physical therapist as soon as possible. We can collaborate with your medical doctor and your training team to help speed the recovery process, and help prevent future injuries.

9. Progressive Training:

Increase your training intensity gradually. For example, if you are starting a new weightlifting program, begin with lighter weights and increase them incrementally to allow your body to adapt safely (Source: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports).

10. Listen to Your Body:

Pay attention to signs of fatigue or pain. If you experience discomfort, modify your activity or take a break. Switching to low–impact activities like swimming can be beneficial if you’re dealing with joint pain (Source: Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine).

In summary, consistently applying these research–backed strategies in your training regime will significantly reduce your risk of injury. Remember, the difference between knowing and doing is critical in sports injury prevention. Make these practices a regular part of your athletic routine for safer and more sustainable performance.

Unlocking Your Fitness and Weight Loss Goals

A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your New Year's Resolutions

As the year draws to a close, many people start looking ahead to the New Year with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Among the most popular New Year's resolutions are fitness and weight loss goals, a testament to the growing desire for a healthier and more active lifestyle. However, achieving these goals can often be a daunting task, especially when faced with a barrage of conflicting information and unrealistic expectations.

Prioritizing Personalized Strategies

The key to success lies in adopting a personalized approach that aligns with your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. This means tailoring your fitness and weight loss goals to your current fitness level, any underlying health conditions, and your personal motivations. It also involves finding activities you genuinely enjoy, whether it's brisk walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing. Remember, exercise should be a source of both physical and mental well–being, not a chore or punishment.

Setting SMART Goals

Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time–Bound (SMART) goals is crucial for staying on track and maintaining motivation. Instead of aiming for vague resolutions like “lose weight” or “get in shape,” break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps. For instance, you could aim to walk for 30 minutes three times a week, gradually increasing the duration and intensity as you progress.

Incorporating Physical Therapy Expertise

Physical therapists can play a vital role in your fitness journey, providing expert guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. They can help you develop a safe and effective exercise program that addresses any underlying physical limitations or injuries. Additionally, physical therapists can provide personalized instruction on proper form and technique to prevent injuries and maximize the effectiveness of your workouts.

Nutrition: The Cornerstone of Success

While physical activity is essential for achieving your fitness and weight loss goals, nutrition plays an equally important role. Focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats. Consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist for personalized dietary guidance.

Seeking Professional Support

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. If you’re struggling to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals, don’t hesitate to seek professional support. Physical therapists, registered dietitians, and personal trainers can provide valuable guidance and accountability to help you stay on track and reach your desired outcomes.

Embrace the Journey

Achieving your fitness and weight loss goals is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs along the way, but with perseverance and a personalized approach, you can successfully transform your health and well–being. Embrace the process, celebrate your accomplishments, and never give up on your commitment to a healthier and more fulfilling life.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, November 16). Physical activity. Retrieved from
  • National Institutes of Health. (2023, November 15). Weight management. Retrieved from
  • American Council on Exercise. (2023). ACE-certified personal trainer handbook. American Council on Exercise.

Understanding ACL Ruptures and Non-Surgical Healing

The Problem with ACL Injuries

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are a common and often serious issue, especially for athletes and active individuals. Traditionally, the common belief was that a ruptured ACL has very limited capacity to heal on its own, leading to long–term limitations or the need for surgical intervention.

A New Perspective: The Cross Bracing Protocol

Recent research, however, is shedding light on a novel approach: the Cross Bracing Protocol (CBP). This non–surgical method offers a possible alternative for patients that may not be able to have surgery, can’t afford it, or are looking for non–surgical alternatives.

How Does the Cross Bracing Protocol Work?

The CBP involves immobilizing the knee at specific angles over time, using a brace. This position is maintained for a period, followed by a carefully managed rehabilitation process. This approach aims to reduce the gap between torn ACL tissues, facilitating natural healing.

Promising Outcomes with the CBP – But Caution Should Be Exercised With Interpretation Of The Results

Studies indicate that this method is surprisingly effective. A significant number of patients showed signs of ACL healing when managed with the CBP, as evidenced by MRI scans. These patients not only experienced ACL healing but also reported better knee function, quality of life, and a higher rate of returning to sports.

Key Takeaways from Recent Research

High Rate of Healing: A striking 90% of patients showed evidence of ACL healing following the CBP.

Improved Function and Quality of Life: Those with better healing outcomes reported higher scores in knee function and overall quality of life.

Return to Sports: A higher percentage were able to return to their pre–injury level of sports activity.

What This Means for You

If you or someone you know is facing an ACL injury, the Cross Bracing Protocol offers an alternative to surgery. It’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals who are familiar with this protocol and can guide you through the process.

This non–surgical method of treatment is still novel, and more clinical research is necessary. However, this study does offer an alternative that many patient and healthcare providers rarely considered, especially with the inclusion of this new bracing protocol.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Are you considering your options for ACL injury treatment? Contact us to learn more about the Cross Bracing Protocol and to see if it’s an option for you.

Chances are you’re going to need surgery, but this new research paper suggests there are alternatives to traditional treatment


Healing of acute anterior cruciate ligament rupture on MRI and outcomes following non–surgical management with the Cross Bracing Protocol

Wall Squats: A Simple Exercise to Lower Blood Pressure

What are wall squats?

Wall squats are a simple exercise that can help lower blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the top number on your blood pressure reading, and it’s the pressure your blood puts on your artery walls when your heart beats. High systolic blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

How to do a wall squat

To do a wall squat, stand with your back against a wall. Slide down the wall until your thighs are almost parallel and gradually working having them parallel to the ground. Hold this position for 30–60 seconds. Slowly slide back up the wall to standing.

Work your way up to the point that you can hold it for 2 minutes. Then repeat it 3 times, so you have completed 4 repetitions. This is the number of repetitions that participants in the research study completed.

Tips for wall squats

  • If you're new to wall squats, start with shorter holds and gradually increase the time as you get stronger.
  • You can make wall squats more challenging by holding a weight in your hands or by squatting lower.
  • Be sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged when doing wall squats.

Benefits of wall squats

Wall squats can help to lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and strengthen your legs. They are also a low–impact exercise, which means they are easy on your joints.


Wall squats are a simple and effective exercise that can help to lower blood pressure and improve your overall health. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise program.

Ask your physical therapist or doctor if wall squats are right for you.

Why You Should See a Physical Therapist Before the New Year

We all have busy lives, especially when the year is ending. But even in the busy times, it’s important to take care of our bodies. If you have pain in your neck, back, shoulders, hips, knees, or ankles, or if you have sprains, strains, or tendinitis, seeing a physical therapist before the year ends can be a great idea. Here’s why:

Save Money on Your Treatment

Insurance can be a tricky thing, but one thing is for sure – most insurance plans reset on January 1st. That means if you’ve already paid a lot towards your deductible, it might cover your physical therapy sessions. So, by seeing a physical therapist now:

  • You can use your insurance benefits before they reset.
  • You might save money on the cost of treatment.
  • You’ll spend less of your own money on healthcare.

It’s a smart money move that helps you get the care you need without breaking the bank.

Enjoy a Comfortable Holiday Season

The holiday season is all about having fun, spending time with family, and relaxing. But if you’re in pain, it can be hard to enjoy this special time. Seeing a physical therapist can help:

  • Stop small pains from becoming big problems.
  • Learn exercises that can make your pain go away.
  • Get tips on how to do holiday activities without hurting yourself.

You’ll be able to enjoy the holidays more when you’re not in pain.

Get Ready for a Healthy New Year

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions to exercise more or get fit. If you’re planning to be more active next year, seeing a physical therapist can help you:

  • Understand what your body can do safely.
  • Make a workout plan that’s right for you.
  • Learn how to exercise without getting hurt.

This way, you’ll be all set to start your New Year’s Resolutions with a strong and healthy body.

In conclusion, seeing a physical therapist before the year ends is a smart choice. It helps you save money, enjoy a pain–free holiday season, and get ready for a healthy new year. So, don’t wait! Make an appointment with a physical therapist today and take the first step towards feeling great.

Hip Pain? You Won’t Believe What This New Study Found

If you have hip pain, you're not alone. Hip pain is a common condition that affects people of all ages. But there is good news: a new study has found that exercise therapy is effective in reducing pain and improving function in patients with hip osteoarthritis (OA).

What is exercise therapy?

Exercise therapy is a type of physical therapy that uses exercise to improve physical function. Exercise therapy can help to reduce pain, improve range of motion, strengthen muscles, and improve balance and coordination.

What does the research say?

The study, which was published in the journal PMC, reviewed 18 clinical trials that evaluated the effect of exercise therapy on pain and function in patients with hip OA. The study found that exercise therapy had a beneficial effect on both pain and function, both immediately after treatment and at 6–9 months after treatment.

How does exercise therapy work?

Exercise therapy works in a number of ways to reduce pain and improve function in hip OA. Exercise can help to:

  • Strengthen the muscles around the hip joint
  • Improve range of motion in the hip joint
  • Reduce inflammation in the hip joint
  • Improve balance and coordination

What types of exercises are beneficial for hip OA?

There are a variety of exercises that can be beneficial for hip OA. Some specific exercises that may be beneficial include:

  • Hip strengthening exercises, such as hip bridges and clam shells
  • Range–of–motion exercises, such as hip circles and leg swings
  • Aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, and biking

Our Recommendations – See A Physical Therapist First

If you have hip pain, we recommend that you see a physical therapist first. A physical therapist can help you to get a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. They can also help you to learn exercises to reduce pain and improve function, develop a safe and effective exercise program, modify your activities to avoid further pain, and use assistive devices, such as canes and walkers, to help you with your activities.