
Shoulder Pain Treatment in Lansdale

shoulder pain treatment harleysville

If you are looking for shoulder pain treatment in Lansdale, the information below will help you make a better decision as well as help you avoid unnecessary and expensive healthcare treatment. Seven Medical Diagnoses that Cause Shoulder Pain There are seven common diagnoses that cause shoulder pain. These usually respond very well to physical therapist […]

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Keeping your shoulder mobile may reduce your risk for feeling pain

You probably don’t realize how much you rely on your shoulders unless you’ve dealt with an issue that has made it difficult to use it normally. Practically every moment you perform that involves your hands or arms impacts the shoulder or requires it to be completed. The shoulder is essential in most of the activities […]

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Most cases of shoulder pain are related to the rotator cuff

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint. Up to 26% of the population has it to some degree, and it ranks third—behind back pain and knee pain—in musculoskeletal conditions (those involving the bones, muscles, and related structures) that lead people to consult their doctor. About 1% of the population visits a doctor for shoulder pain […]

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Shoulder problems become more common as the body changes over time

You have your shoulders to thank for many of the movements required to get through the day. Driving your car, turning doorknobs, shaking hands, and reaching up or across to grab an item are just a few examples of activities that would not be possible without the extreme mobility that the shoulder provides. The shoulder […]

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Physical therapy treatment can help for many neurological disorders

Physical therapy is an essential component of treatment for many neurological disorders Getting diagnosed with a neurological disorder may be confusing since these issues involve the nerves rather than the muscles and ligaments. Some patients may be uncertain what the diagnosis means and how it will affect their life, which can make it difficult to […]

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Damage to the nervous system may cause movement-related issues

Your nervous system is the line of communication between your brain and every bone, muscle, and organ in your body. It is responsible for all actions that take place within the body, from the nerve impulses that make your heartbeat, to the reflex that makes you immediately retract your hand from a hot stove, and […]

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Your nerves are responsible for everything your body does

Pick any function of the human body, and you can count on your nerves making it happen. Moving your eyes to read these words, the process of sending these images to the brain to be converted into useful information, and breathing while doing so are all made possible by the nerves. The nervous system is […]

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2019 literature review part 4: arthritis, sports injuries, and opioids

We distribute newsletters every week to educate you—our patients—on some of the most common injuries and conditions that we treat, and to explain why we always recommend seeing a physical therapist first when dealing with any type of pain. In working towards this goal, we also regularly summarize research studies that show how physical therapy […]

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2019 literature review part 3: knee, foot, and ankle pain

We distribute newsletters every week to educate you—our patients—on some of the most common injuries and conditions that we treat, and to explain why we always recommend seeing a physical therapist first when dealing with any type of pain. In working towards this goal, we also regularly summarize research studies that show how physical therapy […]

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