Looking for Low Back Pain Treatment in Lansdale? Try Physical Therapy First.

January 16, 2023 Lower Back

looking sciatica treatment, north penn physical therapy

Looking for low back pain treatment in Lansdale? Why not consider physical therapy first? It has been proven to reduce pain without the use of medication. The information below will help you learn about treatment options and avoid unnecessary and expensive healthcare interventions.

What Causes Low Back Pain?

Low back pain can have many sources. For example, sciatica refers to pain that travels from the low back down into the buttock, thigh, and/or back of the leg. It’s called sciatica because the pain is in the same area that the sciatic nerve is located. Spinal stenosis occurs when the openings between your vertebrae get smaller, usually due to aging, arthritis, or wear and tear of the spine. When the openings get too small, the nerves get pinched in this area. Low back pain can also come from sprains or strains of the muscles and ligaments in the back, or from other injuries. Because it can have multiple causes, low back pain treatment can be challenging. It is important to find a back treatment specialist that examines the possible causes and gives you a plan for how to fix it.

Don’t Insist on an MRI Right Away

Low back pain can be severe and disabling. Patients that experience pain will understandably want to know what’s causing it. Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI does an excellent job of taking pictures of the spine, but here’s what you need to know. MRI tests often show “false positives”.   This means that while the pictures of your lower back may reveal something that doesn’t look right, in many cases, it is NOT the cause of the pain. Consider the results of this scientific research report:

Imaging findings of spine degeneration are present in high proportions of asymptomatic individuals, increasing with age. Many imaging-based degenerative features are likely part of normal aging and unassociated with pain. These imaging findings must be interpreted in the context of the patient’s clinical condition.

Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4464797/

This clinical research study is one of many research papers concluding an MRI shows a lot of age-related changes in the spine that are not likely to be the cause of your back pain.

See One of Our Experts for Low Back Pain Treatment in Lansdale

If you are experiencing low back pain with or without symptoms radiating down the back of your thigh, it is likely nothing serious. Conservative, natural care is what you should try first. The advantages of seeing one of our physical therapy experts are as follows:

  • No waiting – In most cases, you can see us right away.
  • No side effects – In most cases, the treatment we provide has little to no side effects and can make you feel much better.
  • More affordable – an average course of treatment cost much less than tests, injections, or surgery.
  • Avoid other more painful procedures – you will be less likely to need additional care, special tests, injections or surgery.
  • Seeing one of our physical therapists first means you are less likely to need addictive opioid drugs.

How Our Back Pain Treatment Specialists will Care for You

Each patient is different so here’s how our specialists will approach your back pain:

  • An in-depth initial evaluation where we ask you about your pain, medical history, and current condition.
  • A detailed physical exam looking at movement, strength, flexibility, of the spine & nerves.
  • A personalized plan of care to meet your goals.
  • Patient education – details of what we’ve found during the exam and how we will help you address these limitations.
  • Manual Therapy – hands-on techniques for pain relief and to restore mobility.
  • Neuromuscular Reeducation to address restrictions, weakness, and range of motion
  • A Home Program – we teach you what you can do to optimize healing at home as well.
  • Modalities – specific treatments to address your pain if needed.

See One of Our Experienced Low Back Pain Treatment Professionals Right Away

Start with Natural, Hands-on Care, from Our Caring Team of Professionals. Physical therapist directed care is an effective treatment approach for back pain. For more information, visit our contact page. We look forward to helping you.

Same-day/Next-Day Appointments are Available.

CLICK HERE to Request an Appointment, or Give Us a Call at (215) 872-7822 to Get Started